Fiat Friday Five 1.1 – Making salsa with St. Januarius in Kiawah

Why not keep a good thing going? That’s the way the Fiat House looks at a blog post we wrote a couple of weeks ago called “Fiat Five.” FIve short-ish things to glance at and enjoy before the weekend, be they funny, spiritual, serious, strange, etc. And we’ve added the word “Friday” because, in all honesty, it gives us a good deadline and it’s the only day of the week we can alliterate with “Fiat.” Here we go!

1. Kiawah Island, South Carolina


This lovely island is on the Fiat radar because one of the ladies from our house is currently enjoying the views first-hand. Not only is it picturesque, but there are animals you can see there that you can’t see in Minnesota, including alligators, diamondback terrapins (whatever it is, sounds cool) and Loggerhead sea turtles. It was originally given to a supposed pirate named George Raynor, then was handed down between two families for generations until a real estate company “developed the island into a world-class resort with one of the best beaches in South Carolina.” Road trip!

2. Tomatoes and other abundant produce

We don’t have a garden, but I think everyone we know does. And they share very generously. I feel confident in food processing and freezing the zucchini for later use, but I’m in the dark when it comes to tomatoes, and we’ve had some in our fridge for days. Maybe not totally in the dark because I’m familiar with canning, but I don’t have the equipment for it. Solution?? Salsa! And so easy with this salsa mix.


I know, seems like a no-brainer, but preserving fresh food isn’t a natural forte of mine. My sister introduced it to me last year, and I’m so glad she did. Now we’ll have salsa in January.

3. St Januarius


Speaking of January….yes, this is technically for Friday, but since this is being compiled on Thursday, we’ll talk about the Saint of the day: St. Januarius, a very holy bishop and martyr from Naples. He’s doesn’t just sound like the first month of the year; he’s got a very interesting fact attributed to him. What is believed to be his blood is kept in Naples, and when it is exposed in the cathedral, it liquifies and bubbles, and scientists haven’t been able to explain it. Interestingly enough, one of the things he’s patron of is bloodbanks.



Pumpkin spice lattes, ginger snap/molasses cookies, apple crisp, cinnamon anything, candles that smell like fall goodness. Yes, yes, and yes to it all! Just saw a billboard for a corn maze, and another billboard with a scary looking pumpkin trying to get you to buy beer. It’s all around us, and the leaves are only just starting to change. The humidity in the Minnesota air hasn’t been feeling quite so fall-ish, but it’ll get there. And they’ll be that fall smell that’s so reminiscent of the beginning of the school year. Yes, it’s a little sad when summer ends, but I’m always reminded of how great fall is.

5. Les Mis


The movie is here at the Fiat House, but I admit that I haven’t seen it yet. Fantastic reports, but still haven’t seen it. But even better is that it’s playing at the Paramount in St. Cloud THIS WEEKEND! We have tickets, and though it’s 3 hours long, I really hope I won’t fall asleep. What an insult to the cast, but 3 hours is just a long time to keep my eyelids open in a theater. It would be no reflection on them, certainly. A friend told me that the book is awesome, and most likely, probably even better that the productions. Maybe not – you can’t press a button on the page to listen to “On my own” while you read the saga of that one character whose really sad now that she’s on her own. Like those interactive kid books with the 8 pictured sounds down the side. Hmmm…that could be the next wave of books for those who have short attention spans.