Fiat 5k FYI

Hey Y’all!  This year the fiat ladies discerned that the Holy Spirit is not calling us to do another 5k.  Thanks for the laughs and good times! You made our 5ks epic!

Be assured the Holy Spirit is still a mooooovin and you just never know what He might call us to next….  Until then, happy trails!

running cow


Find yourself in the Fiat 5k picture slideshow!

THANK YOU to everyone for coming to our 2014 Fiat 5K at the Farm! We are so thankful for your presence , the beautiful weather (Jesus, you’re the best), everyone who helped out, the dairy industry, etc.

Congratulations to our male winners: Michael Marschel and Isaac Millner, and to our female winners: Hannah Weber and Gail Gertkin (sp?). You give us something to shoot for next year!

Scroll through the slideshow and see if you can find yourself or your friends! They are in no particular order. If there is a picture you’d like to keep, comment on our blog or send an email ( and we can get those to you.

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Final preparations!

This Saturday, August 16th is the day – Fiat 5K at the Farm!

As we get ready to host all ya’ll, there are a number of things to do. Yesterday’s agenda: accurately measuring the course. I add accurately because our method of measuring last year (ala “Map my run” app) wasn’t a perfect 5k distance. This year, we’re taking no chances and leaving no room for error. We hired a professional: Mr. Michael Marschel, head cross country coach at Royalton High School.

Some documentation of the day:

IMG_0631.JPGDiscussing plans to measure (or sitting around and talking). On the left, Ryan Myklebust, runner extraordinaire and co-measurer. On the right, Mr. Marschel himself with the legit measuring-wheel thingie and spray paint.


IMG_0842.JPGAnd they’re off!


IMG_0848.JPGKristin keeps up with the “slow walking” pace of the guys.


IMG_0632.JPGKeeping the measuring-wheel steady is the key


IMG_0854.JPGThis is Joe. He owns the farm and keeps it moving along. Make sure to say hi to him at the 5K


IMG_0857.JPGFarm work sighting: hauling round bales. Not to worry – this won’t be an obstacle at the 5k.


IMG_0861.JPGThis is when the guys decided to run. There was no arguing from us!


IMG_0865.JPGThey drove back on the course with the Ranger to finish the measuring.


IMG_0866.JPGSitting down to lunch.


We’re ready for you! See you Saturday and pray for good weather!

Sign up for the Fiat 5K at the Farm!

Come one, come all!!!

The Fiat 5K at the Farm awaits your participation and we are ready for your registration forms to come flying into our mailbox!!

Click here to download the registration form!

Let’s take a walk down memory lane to last year’s 5K….

The weather was perfect, and the farm was packed with people ready to run and walk



Everyone was welcome, including moms, dads and kids in the strollers



We had an opening prayer….



…and then they were off!!



Some people ran it




Some people walked it



Some raced to the finish line!!



And if they wanted to, some people got to experience life on a dairy farm



So whether they ran, walked, or just hung around the farm, the consensus was the same: the Fiat 5K was a blast!

And we look forward to having you with us this year!
Saturday, August 16th at 8:30 am at the Molitor Farm, just outside of St. Cloud, MN.

For more details, go to the “Fiat 5K at the Farm” tab on this blog.

*Most pictures taken by The St. Cloud Visitor