Women’s Advent Retreat 3.0


Eating brunch and getting to know one another. Sister Mary Joseph jokes around with sisters Rachel and Katelyn


It’s nearly a modern miracle: convincing people to give up part of their weekends (especially during Christmas shopping season) in order to slow down and pray. And maybe eat some great food, meet some new people.

That was the order of the day this past Saturday at the Fiat House’s Women’s Advent Retreat. As you can see from this carefully selected picture, our main presenter (some might use the word “keynote speaker”) and guest of honor was Sr. Mary Joseph of the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus, based in New Ulm, MN. Also with her (and in the bottom left portion of the picture), were two postulants from the Order, Allison and Kayla. (A postulant is someone who lives with the Order in the first stages of inquiry, but is not yet a member who has taken first or final vows).

Both single and married women (and 1 baby!) attended, and our cozy living room was nearly busting at the seams with 23 bodies in attendance. We ate some DELICIOUS food (Thank you, Kristin!) as women continued to arrive. Then we moved into a time of prayer using Praise and Worship music, complete with a classic Marian hymn and the old faithful Adventian “O Come, O come, Emmanuel.”

Kristin and April leading the Praise and Worship music

Sister Mary Joseph then gave an inspiring talk about the disposition we take towards God in this Advent season, especially modeling ourselves after the Blessed Mother. Many pens were aflurry with journaling as she spoke. Everyone was allowed some time to reflect, pray and continue writing when she had completed.

So far we have fellowship, prayer, eating, journaling, ooh-ing and ahhh-ing  at the baby, singing….what else could be missing from this event?


We rounded out the day with a time to make rosaries. This was a ton of fun, and very lively! Everyone had to pick out their colors, string the beads, and then find someone to make the final knots.

The ladies on the couch focus on finishing their rosaries


And with that, the Advent retreat concluded. Thank you, ladies, for making it so meaningful and so much fun!!

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