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National protests against Planned Parenthood this Saturday!

If we ever needed to raise our voices, it’s now!


A string of nation-wide protests in outcry over Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of fetal tissue caught on video is underway. It’s not the first step to bring down and defund the abortion giant with seemingly no regard for human dignity, but it’s an important one. And if you can come, show your support!

If you’ve known about Planned Parenthood’s antics in the past, it’s no surprise that they need to be stopped. If you’ve just recently been enlightened by the increasingly horrific videos that have been released each week since July, then you now know, too, how bad it is. Any “Planned Parenthood sells baby parts” search will do, but beware, they are graphic; I haven’t even watched the most recent one because it looks so bad.

There are protests all over the nation, and there will also be one here in St. Cloud this Saturday, August 22 from 9-11 am. For more information, go to the Office of Marriage and Family of St. Cloud website. You can also check out their Facebook page. Unfortunately, the national website that shows the location of all the protest sites has been suspended, but with just a little homework, you can find out if there’s one in your area.

It’ll be a time of real solidarity with those who have been exploited and wounded. See you there!


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