Send in your Fiat 5k Registration!

If you like to run…


…come to our Fiat 5K


If you like to walk…


…come to our Fiat 5K


If you don’t like either…

…well, you get the idea. We want you to come no matter what you like to do!

It’s going to be a great time! Just think of it: beautiful scenery, friendly smiles, and a petting zoo. Oh yeah, and the milking contest. And Dairy Princesses. There’s more, but we want you to see it in person!

Go to our Fiat 5K at the Farm tab and click on our registration form. All you have to do is print it, fill it out, write a check (only $20! What a deal!), and send it to the address on the form. It’s in just a few weeks – August 16th at 8:30 am.

Take a minute to watch our Promo Video for the 5k. It’ll give you some of the highlights from last year.

So if you haven’t printed it out yet, or you have but it’s just sitting on your table, or if this is the first time you’re hearing about it, now you know what to do! Ready, set, go!

And don’t forget to put the mailbox flag up.

Fiat Birthday Bonanza!

Birthdays are a big deal around the Fiat House. There are usually signs on the walll, birthday music, and of course, cake.

This year, it was time for a new medium to celebrate. I (April) woke up at 7:00 on birthday morning to find my car like this:

Back windshield

Back windshield

New name for a day

New name for a day

Because Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was already  taken

Because Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was already taken

Pink marker courtesy of one miss Marita Vievering. The honks just kept on coming, even days afterwards. I didn’t know I’d like car paint so much.

When dinner time rolled around, the three of us went where every person within a 15-mile radius goes on their birthday – Mexican Village. Why? Free birthday meal!

Not only did we meet there, but Kristin and Marita arranged a last-minute party and gathered nearly 25 people there! Impressive, I know. I’m hiring them out as party-planners and official fun-havers once fall comes around.

My most memorable part of the evening – the speeches. Not just any speeches. These are speeches in a foreign language (Spanish and German) with an official “interpretation” given by Kristin Molitor herself. The fact that she doesn’t speak a lick of either is exactly the point. It’s only to her credit because we laughed all the harder.

Here’s her interpreting the German speech into English:


The one in the sombrero is Dirk Wolf, a close family friend actually visiting from Germany. He came as soon as he heard about Mexican Villages Chicken Fajitas. He was good enough to indulge our excitement in another foreign tongue.

We muchachas posed for a last picture before the big night was over.

