Sign up for the Fiat 5K at the Farm!

Come one, come all!!!

The Fiat 5K at the Farm awaits your participation and we are ready for your registration forms to come flying into our mailbox!!

Click here to download the registration form!

Let’s take a walk down memory lane to last year’s 5K….

The weather was perfect, and the farm was packed with people ready to run and walk



Everyone was welcome, including moms, dads and kids in the strollers



We had an opening prayer….



…and then they were off!!



Some people ran it




Some people walked it



Some raced to the finish line!!



And if they wanted to, some people got to experience life on a dairy farm



So whether they ran, walked, or just hung around the farm, the consensus was the same: the Fiat 5K was a blast!

And we look forward to having you with us this year!
Saturday, August 16th at 8:30 am at the Molitor Farm, just outside of St. Cloud, MN.

For more details, go to the “Fiat 5K at the Farm” tab on this blog.

*Most pictures taken by The St. Cloud Visitor

Happy Father’s Day

How appropriate that Father’s Day this year is celebrated on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. It is because of the faithful example of so many good men that we can have a more accurate understanding of God as our Father.

This goes out to men everywhere who have helped us better understand who God is as Father. Of course, our biological fathers, but also our priests, teachers, coaches, and any other man who has shown us what it means to be virtuous.

Thank you for those things you’ve done, both seen and unseen.

Priests, thank you for being our spiritual fathers and bringing us to Jesus when we didn’t know how to do it ourselves. Here is an article written to you that says it so much better than I could.

Dads, we love you.

And last, but not least, this is just to let you know that we’ve updated this year’s Fiat 5k registration form! Go to our “Fiat 5K at the Farm” page and click on the printable registration form to fill it out and send it in!


Come, Holy Spirit!

“And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind…then there appeared to them tounges as of fire, and it filled the entire house in which they were.” – Acts 2:1-2

What a triumphant entrance the Holy Spirit gave to the Church on Her birthday!!

And the day before the celebration of Pentecost, here in St. Cloud we had another big celebration: ordination to the transitional diaconate. Gabriel Walz (now Deacon), good friend of the Fiat House, was the candidate of choice and sole contender.  Deacon Walz has made a previous appearance on this blog – check out the Fiat Goes to the Fair   for a few laughs.

After the actual conferring of grace came upon Gabriel at Mass (and a beautiful mass at that!) he was kind enough to bestow his diaconal (word?) blessing upon his fellow seminarians and deacons. And I was lucky enough to catch a shot of it:


Reminiscent of a few Pentecost pictures I’ve seen. There may be invisible tongues of deacon fire descending on each of these lucky guys.

 Congratulations, Deacon Gabriel! The whole Church is blessed by your Yes!