Check out our new “Young Nuns!” page

Though the heart of the vocation to religious life remains the same throughout the centuries, many people retain images of these brides of Christ that aren’t necessarily accurate.

Some people’s only exposure to the convent life is from movies, like “The Sound of Music”


or “Sister Act”


Or they just remember nuns with crazy habits


Or maybe, they remember both: movies of nuns in crazy habits


Clearly, some of the images and snapshots of religious life in American pop culture are more accurate than others. But what people really need to see is the beautiful life of religious women today. Take a look at our “Young Nuns!” page (the tab next to “Fiat 5k! at the Farm”). These are only a few of the vibrant Orders that are helping to rebuild and reshape the Catholic presence in America and around the world. And they’re just fun and joyful women to read about!