Getting a Handel on Christmas



We at the Fiat House hope this first day of the Christmas season is packed with family, music, food, and most importantly, a deepening appreciation for the gift of Jesus Christ, who became a child like each of us!

Pope Francis said at Midnight Mass in Rome:

The grace which was revealed in our world is Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, true man and true God. He has entered our history; he has shared our journey. He came to free us from darkness and to grant us light. In him was revealed the grace, the mercy, and the tender love of the Father: Jesus is Love incarnate. He is not simply a teacher of wisdom, he is not an ideal for which we strive while knowing that we are hopelessly distant from it. He is the meaning of life and history, who has pitched his tent in our midst.

Here’s “For unto us a Child is born” from Handel’s Messiah:

(Bonus – You can enjoy the beautiful artwork as you put the video on repeat!)

And if your true love gives you a partridge in a pear tree, be sure to pick up a bird cage; they’ll be on sale until the new year.

Pope Francis’ Gaudete Sunday message: JOY!!


Is it any surprise that on this third week of Advent, this pink-candle week, this Gaudete week, that Pope Francis would focus on joy since Gaudete itself means “rejoice”?

Any Joe pew-sitter could have pegged the Holy Father’s Gaudete Sunday message, but the way in which he says it is particularly Pope Francis-y:

“The Church is not a refuge for sad people – the Church is a house of joy!”

A good reminder for those of us who forget what we should experience in being a part of the Church.

He goes on:

“Christian joy, like hope, has its foundation in God’s fidelity, in the certainty that he always keeps his promises. The prophet Isaiah exhorts those who have lost their way and are in trouble to trust in the Lord’s fidelity because his salvation will not delay in breaking into their life.”

And the golden nugget to keep in your pocket for a rainy day (and every day!):

“Jesus Christ is our joy! His faithful love is inexhaustible!”


We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Holy Father.

And from all of us from all over the world who can’t be there in Rome to celebrate with you today…. Happy Birthday!
