Homecoming football game and barn dance – Check!

With the smell of fall in the air, you can be sure there’s at least one homecoming football game to attend, and the Fiat House ladies made sure to support Sauk Rapids high school’s game on Friday night. The weather was PERFECT for standing (pretty much the whole time) in the bleachers behind the student body. Speaking of which, this was the first time any of us have ever seen girls wearing tutus in homecoming colors – where have we been the past few years??

In any event, the guys played well and it was a great game to watch. Thank you to Wendy and Steve (parents of the celebrity-sighted football player in the third and fourth pictures) for inviting us to come to the game, saving us seats, buying us candy and bottled water, and inviting us to their house afterwards for post-game snacks. They have always been so generous to us.

View of the field from the nosebleed bleachers


  Marita, Michelle, April and Wendy (star-player Adam’s mom)


  Celebrity sighting! Kristin, star-player Adam, April and Marita


  Now insert vocations director, Fr. Scott


But Saturday night would not be outdone!! There was yet another event to take place: Sacred Heart Church’s annual Barn Dance! We line danced and square danced, and had a blast doing it! There was even a “Polka line dance” which I found especially fun. I didn’t know there was such a thing, but there was a record (yes, records!) for it. And for those who could, there was also a waltz or two. This is the kind of stuff you just can’t let die!

Thank you, Sacred Heart parish, for putting on this event!

  Yee haw! The Fiat ladies in full dance gear!


Fiat Friday Five 1.2 – Pope Francis on getting Ding-Dong-Ditched

Welcome to our second edition of the Fiat Friday Five!


1. Fiat Song for Your Playlist

 The song “Lord I Need You” by Matt Maher has been on repeat around the house these days.   Check out this moving clip of Matt Maher singing “Lord I Need You” at World Youth Day:


2. Ding-Dong-Ditch!

The Fiat House women had their first experience of being Ding-Dong-Ditched a few weeks ago….

The stage was set:
It was a calm summer evening.


 The victims were in place:
Two unsuspecting women sat in the living room. 


The plot thickens:
“Ding Dong! Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!!!”

Victim makes possibly dangerous move:
She walks down the stairs to the door, thinking the third roommate just arriving.

“Hello? HELLO??,” as she steps outside the door to find the offending doorbell-ringer.


Reality sets in:
“There’s nobody there!!” 
She slams the door, races (truly) up the stairs, and collapses into a fetal position on the couch. Roommate throws her a blanket, and they both cower on the couches as they realize their plight.


Yes, they had been Ding-Dong-Ditched.


It’s just about the funniest story now, but it was really scary then. And everything is scarier at night, especially in a relatively new neighborhood.


If you were the offending Ditcher, just know that you got us real good, but we’re onto you and we’re learning the tricks from this kid:



3. New Grill!


The Lord provides!  This summer we prayed that the Lord would provide us with a grill, and two weeks ago he answered our prayer!  We decided to test the grill out this evening for an outdoor picnic since the weather was so beautiful.  It worked great and the food was delicious!  Thank you Jesus 🙂


photo 1

4. The interview heard ’round the world

Pope Francis’ recent interview in “America” magazine (a Jesuit publication) has sent shock waves in both the secular and the religious worlds. Most of this shock is due to the fact that a couple of his statements were plucked out of context and blown way out of proportion,which has happened numerous times to our popes in recent years.
If you haven’t read the interview, you can click on this link to do so.
To read some trustworthy reviews on his interview, you can check out the National Review, USCCB, and Our Sunday Visitor.

5. Sacred Heart Barn Dance

Get your cowboy boots on and kick up your heels for the 2nd annual Sacred Heart Barn dance!


It’s sure to be a good time while we’re do-si-doeing and promenading with our respective square dance group. There will be both line dancing and square dancing, along with FREE lessons on how to actually dance the dances. So, if you’re worrying about embarassing yourself (“I don’t know how to do it!”), your fears are unfounded because we’ll have a teacher (the caller, and probably some other people in the crowd), we’ll all be learning as well, and no one will watch anyway because they’ll be having such a great time!


It’s 6-9 pm this Saturday, September 28th at Sacred Heart parish in Sauk Rapids. Check out www.sacredheartsaukrapids.org to get directions and catch any other details we may have left out


The Fiat House will see you there!

Habemus bishop!!

Three blog posts in one week is a new record for the Fiat House, but the St. Cloud diocese’s latest news MUST have a post:

We have a new bishop!

Pope Francis appointed Donald Kettler of Fairbanks, Alaska as our new bishop. We’re excited to have a new shepherd in central Minnesota, and we know he’ll be used to the weather!

What we know of him can be found here


Welcome to St. Cloud, Bishop Kettler!

Fiat Friday Five 1.1 – Making salsa with St. Januarius in Kiawah

Why not keep a good thing going? That’s the way the Fiat House looks at a blog post we wrote a couple of weeks ago called “Fiat Five.” FIve short-ish things to glance at and enjoy before the weekend, be they funny, spiritual, serious, strange, etc. And we’ve added the word “Friday” because, in all honesty, it gives us a good deadline and it’s the only day of the week we can alliterate with “Fiat.” Here we go!

1. Kiawah Island, South Carolina


This lovely island is on the Fiat radar because one of the ladies from our house is currently enjoying the views first-hand. Not only is it picturesque, but there are animals you can see there that you can’t see in Minnesota, including alligators, diamondback terrapins (whatever it is, sounds cool) and Loggerhead sea turtles. It was originally given to a supposed pirate named George Raynor, then was handed down between two families for generations until a real estate company “developed the island into a world-class resort with one of the best beaches in South Carolina.” Road trip!

2. Tomatoes and other abundant produce

We don’t have a garden, but I think everyone we know does. And they share very generously. I feel confident in food processing and freezing the zucchini for later use, but I’m in the dark when it comes to tomatoes, and we’ve had some in our fridge for days. Maybe not totally in the dark because I’m familiar with canning, but I don’t have the equipment for it. Solution?? Salsa! And so easy with this salsa mix.


I know, seems like a no-brainer, but preserving fresh food isn’t a natural forte of mine. My sister introduced it to me last year, and I’m so glad she did. Now we’ll have salsa in January.

3. St Januarius


Speaking of January….yes, this is technically for Friday, but since this is being compiled on Thursday, we’ll talk about the Saint of the day: St. Januarius, a very holy bishop and martyr from Naples. He’s doesn’t just sound like the first month of the year; he’s got a very interesting fact attributed to him. What is believed to be his blood is kept in Naples, and when it is exposed in the cathedral, it liquifies and bubbles, and scientists haven’t been able to explain it. Interestingly enough, one of the things he’s patron of is bloodbanks.



Pumpkin spice lattes, ginger snap/molasses cookies, apple crisp, cinnamon anything, candles that smell like fall goodness. Yes, yes, and yes to it all! Just saw a billboard for a corn maze, and another billboard with a scary looking pumpkin trying to get you to buy beer. It’s all around us, and the leaves are only just starting to change. The humidity in the Minnesota air hasn’t been feeling quite so fall-ish, but it’ll get there. And they’ll be that fall smell that’s so reminiscent of the beginning of the school year. Yes, it’s a little sad when summer ends, but I’m always reminded of how great fall is.

5. Les Mis


The movie is here at the Fiat House, but I admit that I haven’t seen it yet. Fantastic reports, but still haven’t seen it. But even better is that it’s playing at the Paramount in St. Cloud THIS WEEKEND! We have tickets, and though it’s 3 hours long, I really hope I won’t fall asleep. What an insult to the cast, but 3 hours is just a long time to keep my eyelids open in a theater. It would be no reflection on them, certainly. A friend told me that the book is awesome, and most likely, probably even better that the productions. Maybe not – you can’t press a button on the page to listen to “On my own” while you read the saga of that one character whose really sad now that she’s on her own. Like those interactive kid books with the 8 pictured sounds down the side. Hmmm…that could be the next wave of books for those who have short attention spans.

To beard or not to beard

A topic that very rarely gets discussed over a cup of coffee with some of your closest friends is facial hair. At least, not amongst women. The stylings of mustaches, beards, and every possible combination of the two (don’t worry, I’m not forgetting sideburns, but that would probably need its own post) is just not on women’s radar.

That all changed when a friend of the Fiat House showed up for an event with a new ‘do on his face. Words really couldn’t describe the appearance, but as striking as it was, it really did suit him. He began answering to “Luigi,” and I wouldn’t put it past him to show up someday with a sculpted face like this:


(Sidenote: There are a ton more pics where this one came from. Check out the World Beard and Mustache Championship photos. It’s like a whole new world you never knew existed, right under your nose! Pun intended)

Needless to say, a small contingent of us women got onto the topic of male facial hair, which later got a couple of us at the Fiat House to thinking about (male) facial hair and holiness. What ratio is there of Saints who sport the beard and stache to those who don’t? Do fluffy mustaches mean you’re better at exercising acts of charity? Does a longer beard act as a sort of barometer that announces to the world their deep virtue? Does facial hair as a whole make you better equipped to share the Gospel?

Of course, in days gone by, it was assumed men would leave their upper lip and chin locks grow to their heart’s content, but social norms (and actual ability to grow a beard) can put a damper on the exercise of this ancient expression of masculinity.

So, we’ve put together a little slideshow of some of our fave saints (or, at least one image of them) to give us (and you) an idea of the part facial hair plays in actual development of virtue. Or, it’s just a really fun romp through some images of the best of the best.

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Movie in Review: “Light of Love”


We waited for it, we watched it, and we loved it!! The newest film about religious sisters, “Light of Love,” was a touching, realistic, and enjoyable look into the lives of 5 religious women spread out over the U.S.

It’s available for anyone to watch online. Just block out an hour of time and head to this link: http://vimeo.com/74036429

You’ll be glad you did.



The “Fiat Five” for Your Weekend Calendar

Hey Y’all!
Looking for something to do this weekend? Let us give you some ideas!  Here are five things we have on the Fiat calendar that you can participate in, too!

1. Prayer and Fasting for Syria

IMG_0214On Saturday, we will be doing a  “Fiat Fast” in communion with Pope Francis’s call to pray and fast for peace in Syria.
Want to participate, but not sure what to do? Check out this Lifeteen article for some creative fasting ideas.

I have decided to proclaim for the whole Church on 7 September next, the vigil of the birth of Mary, Queen of Peace, a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world, and I also invite each person, including our fellow Christians, followers of other religions and all men of good will, to participate, in whatever way they can, in this initiative. ~Pope Francis

2. St Mary’s Block Party

bingoThe Fiat ladies will be calling Bingo at the St. Mary’s  Block Party on Saturday night.  Needless to say, it will probably be one of the most epic Bingo experience of your life!   There may or may not be a voice changer.  There may or may not be costumes.  You will never know unless you come and experience the Fiat Fun!

3. Mama Mary’s Birthday!

nativity_of_the_mother_of_godSunday is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Fiat Ladies will be doing some “Fiat Feasting” in honor of our Blessed Mother on her birthday!  The Catholic Cuisine blog has ten creative birthday recipes for our Blessed Mother!  With our new supply of gluten-free flour, we will surely be baking up a storm!

“Your birth, O Blessed Virgin Mary, fills the whole world with a sweet consolation and a holy joy, because of you was born our Jesus, our God, who has taken away from us the curse in which we were plunged by the sin of our first parents, and filled us with all kinds of blessings.”~St. John Vianney~

4. Light of Love Film Release!

Light of Love

The Imagine Sisters Light of Love Film will air on Sunday night at 6pm.  Click here to watch this awesome “Fiat Film” on Sunday night.

5. Fiat Funnies!

Ok, we have a confession to make.  We really only have four activities on our calendar, but we thought we would make it an even “Fiat Five” by leaving you with this “Fiat Funny!”  Enjoy!

The Beach Boys without autotune:

New Film on Women Religious!

Spilling out of their tiny vehicles like a wave of undeserved grace , it is an understatement to say that the eleven Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus were the celebrities at the 5K. No one and nothing could compare with the sight these Sisters made as they joyfully mingled with the other runners, and ran (yes, ran!) the 5k route.  Not even Father Aaron’s patriotic flag pants, although they were very entertaining…

But we are happy to inform you that the spirit is moovin’ beyond the cattle paths of Molitor Farm and into the heart of the Church in the U.S.  A new surge of awareness towards women’s religious vocations is sweeping the nation as convents are busting at the seams and creative efforts are made to foster appreciation for this beautiful vocation.

One of these new creative efforts is the Imagine Sisters movement.  The goal of Imagine Sisters  is “to make Jesus loved by introducing the world to religious sisters in love with Christ through media and personal encounters.”  Imagine Sisters is  truly an unmatched trailblazer in the world of social media.  Using  Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and their own website, Imagine Sisters is literally “introducing the world to religious sisters in love with Christ.”

One of the most exciting efforts of the Imagine Sister’s Movement, is their new Light of Love film on women’s religious vocations . This film is the women’s counterpart to the Fisher’s of Men video  produced a few years ago.

We are excited to inform you that Light of Love will be aired on Sunday, September 8th for a premiere showing!  All you have to do is go to their website  at 6:00 pm on Sunday to watch the beauty unfold.  You can also go to their events page to find out more information.

We are in the works of hosting a few Light of Love parties at the Fiat House in the future (sorry, for girls only!).  We will keep you posted, so if you know of any young women who might be interested in such a party, send them our way!

In the mean time, enjoy these preview videos: